Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Looking to mix sociology, ecology, and (pentagon) computers study group.

A very vague idea why I want to include the concept of Web 2.0 into the syllabus for a potential course. www.ziipa.com and www.Go2Web20.net

I have email TradeSkillsLLC [at] hotmail

I am working out a syllabus for a free computer class I will volunteer to teach at the local library through the Adult Education program locally; I want to take from the instruction and syllabus of high school and college class and mix in what I see of Web2.0 for functional emerging technology of the internet in so much as it will affect ability to empower parents to enable themselves to self educate for better jobs (workkeys) and assist their children and personal needs for research or homework.

Please respond with anything you know of as relevant, here are three of my current resources www.iTunes.com for iTunesU, www.ziipa.com and www.Go2Web20.net. I am also trying to work out which wiki platform is most simple to enable community to use wiki and square foot gardening to support the local food banks and homeless shelters. Wiki (www.mixedink.com) could enable a better syllabus for people to better search for or educate to workplace functionality standards and information as entertainment through enrichment.

The transmission of sociology based standardized measured units of demographics data mining for education automation is not socialism nor grid supercomputer cloud OS. Chinese Military Intelligence Genius Clone Virtual OS wiki Augmented Reality immersion life energy word abacus transmission measurements. The Wheel of (ethics) Buddhist Terms Poster touch screen (video segmentation tag) sociology subject index context immersion selection tool. Bamboo. www.dharmaprinting.com






This is a copy of the call for research papers with which to write the article for the current issue of this computer journal...
And the actual current issue is here: http://www.computer.org/portal/site/pervasive/

A catalyst for advancing research and practice in mobile and ubiquitous computing

Call for Works in Progress

Environmental Sustainability

We're currently accepting Work in Progress submissions of 250 words or less for our January-March 2009 issue on Environmental Sustainability. These will not be peer-reviewed but will be reviewed by the Department Editor, Anthony Joseph, and, if accepted, edited by the staff into a feature for the issue. The deadline for work-in-progress submissions is 1 November 2008.

The original call for papers is below.

Environmental sustainability is rapidly emerging as an important and timely topic for pervasive computing research, motivated by increased awareness of issues such as global warming, depletion of natural resources, and e-waste. The creation, use, and disposal of large quantities of pervasive technologies such as sensors and mobile devices have strong implications for resource consumption and waste production. How can pervasive computing systems be designed so that they are environmentally sensitive from a material perspective? Further, pervasive technologies can be a powerful means of informing and influencing sustainable action and decisions by individuals, businesses, governments, and other organizations. How can pervasive computing systems be designed to support and persuade environmentally sustainable practices and behaviors?

This special issue provides a forum for cutting-edge work on pervasive technologies that are designed, deployed, or implemented in an environmentally responsible manner, as well as pervasive technologies that promote environmentally responsible actions.


Example topics for this special issue include but are not limited to the following:

design for technology re-use, re-purposing, or lifetime extension;
sensor network applications that support the efficient use or protection of natural resources;
grass roots sensing empowering local populations to track and act on information about pollution, traffic, or other conditions relating to sustainability;
analysis and decision making tools for gathering and presenting information that supports sustainable choices by individuals or businesses;
the use of pervasive computing to support sustainability-related behavior change;
novel systems, devices, or interfaces that support stewardship of the natural environment;
social networking tools that support environmentally friendly actions;
new business models that promote sustainable use of pervasive devices;
lessons learned from, conceptual frameworks, and methods for integrating sustainability into pervasive computing;
qualitative or quantitative studies of sustainable practices;
user studies examining how pervasive technologies mediate, redefine, or otherwise influence sustainable behaviors;
low-power hardware; and
resource-efficient system design
Submissions should be 4,000 to 6,000 words long and should follow the magazine's guidelines on style and presentation. All submissions will be peer-reviewed in accordance with normal practice for scientific publications. Submissions should be received by 23 June 2008 to receive full consideration.

In addition to full-length submissions, we also invite work-in-progress submissions of 250 words or less. These will not be peer-reviewed but will be reviewed by the Department Editor, Anthony Joseph, and, if accepted, edited by the staff into a feature for the issue. The deadline for work-in-progress submissions is 1 November 2008.

Pasted from

And that link above will give you some perspective of the industry journals current focus.

SQUARE FOOT GARDENING to give food to food banks...

1) I am doing business service which I install small “square foot gardens”, Cold Frames/mini Greenhouse, Rotating Composters, “Lasagna Gardens,” for free and then you can eat, sell, or donate the food (food banks, farmers market, or homeless.) I am also looking for high school or college level Social Studies partners.

Please note I live with my grandparents and need to add to their fixed income. Call or Email me ASAP (Planting starts soon!) Matthew Tripp TradeSkillsLLC and Extinctculture.

2) I am offering computer use and configuration service something like tutoring for software organization/productivity/student+professional researching, but MUCH cheaper; its geared to productivity and community life enhancement for people too busy to properly configure their computers. My (philanthropy KIVA.org) fee is 4 dollars per hour and can probably take 25 to 45 gardens total. System configuration and tutoring clients will be taken on call as my schedule permits by email or phone daily and weekly as needed.

3) Hauling recycling by bike and trailer is also an option with pickups for glass paper plastic and possibly yard waste if we can get on a neighborhood watch wiki schedule per each neighborhood with a common area for leaves, grass, and vegetable rotating composters.

I live less than 4 miles from Home Depot or Lowes. I hope to use a tricycle and bike trailer to pick up materials for the garden installations with the bike and trailer… this is also part of my fitness training program.

The amount of internet functionality and database information grows at an exponential rate, so its far too much for the average person to keep up with for information or software upgrades by people who have many daily obligations or less desire to spend hours each week keeping up with what’s new or of improved function on the web. So I will give you a look at some of the stuff that is out there in the rest of this page.

NEWSLETTER: Translation Key: .com=.c .org=.o .net=.n .gov=.g. et cetera. COZI.c popurls.c TorrentEYE.c MS Office OneNote 2007 “The transmission of sociology based standardized measured units of demographics data mining for education automation is not socialism nor grid supercomputer cloud OS. Chinese Military Intelligence Genius Clone Virtual OS wiki’s for Augmented Reality immersion life energy word abacus transmission measurements. The Wheel of (ethics) Buddhist Terms Poster touch screen video context immersion selection tool. Bamboo.” lifehack.org/articles/productivity/the-ultimate-student-resource-list.html lifehack.org/articles/featured/80-how-to-sites-worth-bookmarking.html lifehack.org/articles/productivity/the-80-best-lifehacks-of-2008.html delicious.com/TradeSkillsLLC?setcount=100 USA.G Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred 10 with lots of system RAM + correct wireless headset microphone Home Automation Education Automation and encrypted wireless security camera backed up to computer X-10.c C-Span.o iTunesU on iTunes.c ieee.o Augmented Reality Remembrance Agent software/hardware Go2Web20.n (Tags= Wiki, Productivity, et cetera same for Ziipa.c) TED.c Lifehacker.c webecoist.com/2008/10/07/100-of-the-most-essential-green-web-resources Ccleaner.com Mozilla Firefox Add-Ons SpeedDial + TOOMANYTABS) Wiki freewebs.com/extinctculture/tradingskillssustainable.htm JIST.com BIONIC and Folding@Home sofwares tell everyone you know to use them.

My intention is to use advanced computer information/innovation skills to tutor and train or select critical thinking context and concept mapping Philosophy or biotic mass ethics multimedia editing content for civic service workers or school curriculum peer review academic database administration and specifically volunteers to non-profit staff in an occupation of tutoring and addendum of multimedia content selection and editing as a copyrighted franchise licensed + maintained with a creative commons patent for open source social + environmental activism templates of non-profit development + deployment of information worker skills to the administrators of civil programs such as meals on wheels, domestic violence counselors’ + patrons or admin’s, mental health and other healthcare facilities, college and high school staff/students, military, professionals, SS disability, NA/AA, elderly, perhaps similar to or with programs like Work Keys or Sylvan Learning.

Augmented Reality Storypole (blueprint and specifications visualizations projector or construction specification detail video for quality control and building history workmanship history)... for site workers to maintain advanced critical thinking of children s intellectual development; on iTunesU integrates to children s curriculum for work site wireless personal audio at job sites while remembrance agent software maintains safety and work task checklist's. Or home automation critical thinking multimedia selection staff (volunteered elderly or out of work persons) select multimedia and write up sociological perspective comments for the comprehension of workers children's curriculum; so that workers can share comprehension of the child's lifestream through college and context map strengths and weakness of local environment by the child's carefully assessed cognitive skills or weakness removal OR strength utilization in alternative context practices.

SHARE delicious,spy.comspy bookmarks ID: TradeSkillsLLC view 100 per page then the web2.0 + Tactical or matthewtripp + wiki tag’s. ALSO: my.barackobama.com/page/community/blog/TradeSkillsLLC SEE MY BLOG THERE ! for your OBAMA MEETING AND SHARE !

High school + college students! GTD-Free Sourceforge.net + torrenteye.com of audio book Getting Things Done Fast. Then: Wiki TAG = go2web20.net + green on ziipa.com Ajax mashup. Adobe Flash Player + Java update CCleaner.com + WinAudit driver update.

torrent random repeat all 125 tracks = the art of war audiobook flash cards, 48 laws of power DaoTeChing survival psychogical maniplatin lies nextup.c + incremented playback + playspeed Buddhist podcast

hex shape soundproof sleep chamber touchscreen allows people to save money by sharing one house and underground walk in cooler and non electric appliances and gardening mobility investmnt group edu SWAT4 policypitch.com

2yrtimeshare multiple input per cpu wireless touchscreens/projectorS x-10.com or exercising 1yr HRM train before enlisting, while listening to wireless headphone educational mp3 like iTunesU. saves money for investing in alternative energy Wikinomics PDF search engine

and electric bike/triketruck 4 way neighborhood watch cam DVR WiMax HDTV Wi-Fi 35 frames/s blind eye cops Logistics delivery elderly demographics meals tricycle bamboo trailer neighborhood fruit tree 10 years water footprint rain harvest nature.org climate change

rotating composter climate control 4ft coldframe uses each butter/sour cream tub once to grow 1native plant terraforming wildlife habitat 87% earth life biomass=ocean humanism. Culture of Collaboration $ panic room massage cheap laser hair removal time saved fire suppression retrofit

iTunesU PDF audiobook conversion function nextup.com get more RAM pricewatch.com. I WILL TWEAK COMP OR TUTOR OR RAKE LEAVES FOR FOOD CALL NOW. TRANSPARENCY.ORG accurate precision ADHD isn’t real ClimateChange isn’t real PSY 101

like a semantic media compass use this with the wheel of Buddhist terms poster to laminate pages for a beanbag game lifehacker . com /5072354/block-posters-makes-a-large-poster-from-any-image dharmaprinting.com Touch screen 3d tag cloud sociology subject index context immersion selection tool. Bamboo life energy word abacus transmission.

Trade all Skills freely + openly to share how to knowledge. Workplace training videos specific task skills for easier performance posted to video site or howto site. favorville.com aidpage.com

1 comment:

Mariana Soffer said...

I thought you might add to your resources:www.freebase.com

let me know what you think